250g Happiness Ritual Salt


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A 250g bag of Happiness Witches Salt.
Other size bags are also available.

Use in spells to bring or increase happiness in your life or the life of someone close to you.

Salt has been used for centuries in magick by many cultures and belief systems around the world and is still in common use today in everyday witchcraft and spellcasting by Pagans and Wiccans, in Buddhism and Japanese Shinto and by those who want a little psychic or spiritual help. It is believed to have enormously magickal properties in cleansing and removing negative energy, hence it's widespread uses for all kinds of purifying and protective magick and rituals. With it's great power and versatility Ritual or Altar Salt is considered a 'must have' essential in ritual magick and spell casting.

This Happiness Witches Salt is especially made for us by Eloise Kirlan deep in the wild and magickal Welsh mountains, blended by hand using ancient Himalayan rock salt with specially selected flowers, herbs and essential oils used in witchcraft and known for their strong magickal properties in bringing and keeping a state of happiness to give you a strong magick salt that looks and smells absolutely wonderful, but more importantly is very powerfully charged and ready to be used in your own magick spell work.

Ways to use Happiness Witches Salt:

  • Place in a dish or bowl on your altar during rituals and spells.
  • Sprinkle around a candle on your altar.
  • Use for casting a circle or drawing magickal symbols during spell casting.
  • Carry in a pouch or add to charm bottles or mojo bags.
  • Add a large spoonful of Witches Salt to a bath.
  • Sprinkle on talismans.
  • For many more ways in which you can use Witches Ritual Salt have a look HERE.

    Please note this is Ritual Salt and is not to be eaten or used in food.

    Witches Ritual Salt is a powerful magickal tool. Like any other power tool (e.g. electric drill, food processor etc.) results are dependent upon the person using it, so results cannot be guaranteed. We are required by law to state that our magickal items are sold as novelty items only.

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