A 10ml bottle of House Clearing Magickal Oil.
The herbs and oils blended in our House Clearing Magickal Oil have been carefully chosen and hand blended according to their traditional magick properties in cleansing and purifying homes, rooms and other indoor spaces.
If your home is lacking the right homey atmosphere, feels a bit clogged up with negative emotions, memories of the past, or otherwise just doesn't feel quite right, you can use House Clearing Magickal Oil to cleanse the energy and bless the space with harmony and good intentions. It can also be very effective to clear your home of negative vibrations, especially after arguments or when your home feels heavy with negative emotions such as anger, jealousy, depression or fear.
Use it in House Clearing spells and magick rituals. Dab some in all corners of the room (at floor level and also if you can reach it at ceiling level) plus also around all the doors and windows while visualising the space within it clearing of all negativity and being replaced with your own most positive energies. This also works well in hotel rooms or in any space you wish to clear away the energies of others who have been there before you.
For many more ways in which you can use Magickal Oils have a look