A 10ml bottle of Psychic Vision Magickal Oil.
Eloise Kirlan's Psychic Vision Magickal Oil is designed to help you tap into and sharpen your psychic skills and talents. It is hand blended from traditional herbs, flowers and essential oils well known in traditional witchcraft and folklore for their powerful properties in working with and enhancing psychic vision, helping you to see past the boundaries of the physical world.
Use Psychic Vision Magickal Oil in meditations or as an anointing or ritual oil to:
Open up your intuition and instincts to tap into your overall psychic abilities.
Give yourself the confidence to trust in your own natural powers.
Boost and strengthen all areas of psychic vision including divination, remote viewing, telepathy, psychometry and extrasensory perceptions.
For many ways in which you can use Magickal Oils have a look