SABBAT Magickal Oil 10ml


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A 10ml bottle of Sabbat Magickal Oil.
Sabbat Magickal Oil is specifically created and hand blended as a universal Sabbat Oil to assist you in all your magick, spellcasting and rituals on the eight traditional Wiccan and Pagan Sabbats; Yule, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Litha, Lughnasadh, Mabon and Samhain.
Use Sabbat Magickal Oil for anointing, purifying and blessing candles, talismans, your chalice, your wand and all your magickal or ritual tools for magick and spell-casting on those special Sabbat days to evoke the powers of the Sabbats and connect you to the cycle of the Wheel of the Year.
For many more ways in which you can use Magickal Oils have a look HERE.

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