PEACE Magickal Oil 10ml


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A 10ml bottle of Peace Magickal Oil.
Eloise Kirlan's Peace Magickal Oil is designed to bring peace to chaotic, stressful, angry or worrying situations, providing you with an important and welcome deep feeling of calm and relaxation. It is hand blended from traditional herbs, flowers and essential oils well known in traditional witchcraft and folklore for their properties in calming turmoil and worries and encouraging peace and tranquility.

When you feel there is anger, stress or chaos in an environment, sprinkle Peace Magickal Oil around you or anoint candles with the oil and let them burn all the way down. If the disharmony is hitting you personally dab some on your wrists and temples to allow the anointing oil to work directly on you, reducing stress and instilling a peaceful relaxation. Dab some on your pillow for a peaceful nights sleep, or use it to anoint suitable crystals to keep by your bedside.

For many more ways in which you can use Magickal Oils have a look HERE.

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