A 10ml bottle of Fertility Magickal Oil.
Eloise Kirlan's Fertility Magickal Oil is designed for you to use in use in spells, magick and rituals to increase the positive circumstances and energies needed for fertility. No magick can 100% promise you'll get pregnant of course, but an enormous amount of knowledge exists in witchcraft and traditional folklore to tap into the female energy to achieve a healthy pregnancy. Creating life is the most magickal act of all.
This magickal oil is hand blended from traditional herbs, flowers and essential oils well known in witchcraft and folklore for fertility magick and spells for motherhood, believed to strongly aid the chances of conception, having a strong and healthy pregnancy and delivering a good healthy baby.
For a simple magick spell use Fertility Oil to anoint a green candle (we also sell those) and as the candle burns visualise in order all negative energies and toxins leaving the body, a successfull conception, a strong and healthy child growing in the womb, the elation of the mother as she gives birth and the healthy cries of the newborn baby.
For many ways in which you can use Magickal Oils have a look