A 10ml bottle of Kyphi Magickal Oil.
Created by the temple priests of Ancient Egypt to honour the Gods and Goddesses, Kyphi was the most sacred and magickal temple incense in Ancient Egypt and is still today valued for it's intense magickal power and rich, provocative and intoxicating scent.
Eloise Kirlan's luxurious Kyphi Incense and Magickal Oil are considered by many as the best affordable authentic Kyphi blend on the market today. Kyphi is the most complex and time consuming incense and oil to make with rich and powerful ingredients all originally chosen by the Egyptian priests for their deep magickal properties.
A highly potent oil for all kinds of Egyptian magick, temple, ritual and spell work, Kyphi oil makes a perfect offering to the Deities of the night (especially Isis), creates order and harmony, is a powerful magickal tool for healing, induces peace and sleep and may help those seeking prophetic dreams. It is a perfect intoxicating ritual oil for all forms of night magick.
For many ways in which you can use Magickal Oils have a look